Tuesday, July 25, 2006

El Mariachi's = good times!

The kids left two days ago; it was a bizarre feeling. I was actually somewhat sad to see some of the kids leave, cos I had grown attached to a few of them, but also thoroughly relieved too!!! Sunday night was the massive inter-session Hawaiian themed party at New Milford's premier (and only) bar, El Mariachi's. The drinks were flowing freely and it got pretty messy but it was an awesome night. Basically every staff member from camp was there and it was all lovin'.

The next day was a half-day off with a wicked special staff dinner, where we ate 'real' food and then back to work once more, sorting out stuff in the cabins. Today has been spent carrying campers' bags and unpacking all their stuff. Yes, that's right, the counselors have to unpack and pack for the kids. We're definitely not getting paid enough for that junk!

Unfortunately this fairly lazy afternoon will be rudely interupted by having to rehearse for the arrival night's counselor show - where we basically get up on stage and make complete idiots of ourselves - and the kids arriving tomorrow for yet another three and a half weeks of screaming children. The break is NOWHERE near long enough, but I guess we all just have to suck it up and do it. It'll fly by I'm sure, just as the first session has, and before I know it I'll be on a giant holiday. Woot woot!

I'm going to see if there's any way I can post photos although I think it'll be difficult considering tomorrow morning starts another round of essentially being 'on call' 24 hours a day. Drainer!
Don't get me wrong though, I'm having a great time...I've met some friends that I'll have for life and I'm so grateful.

See you bye.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

1, 2, 3, 4 we want colour war!

Thank God for geeks. Why? Because they fix things. Like computers.
We now have a massive SIX computers working in the staff lounge which means there aren't a million people waiting which means I can actually write this entry without people breathing down my neck! Woo!

But on the downside I only have ten minutes of my break left, so this still has to be short.
Um well life at camp here is all goodness. There's only 4 days left of the first session...meaning that the kids are going home soon! I thought I was absolutely over the moon at this fact, but in the last few days the girls have actually been really cute and attached to me...they were all shattered when I told them that I'm not coming back next year...awww

It's also colour war, which basically means the campers and staff get split into two teams and play lots of games and do cheers and dress up and do lots of campy type stuff. I'm on the Circus Blue team...yeah blue!
Anyways, I gotta fly, but thank you all for your various birthday cards/emails/packet tea/cds/bears/underwear etc. Fill me in on what's going on in your part of the world!

see you bye.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy Birthday to me...

Hi all,
I really don't have time to write, but just wanted to say hi and that I am alive! Thank you for your birthday wishes; it's strange being away from home on this day, but I think I'll be going out tonight for some Connecticut good times....and great classic hits.

I went to New York City last weekend, which was awesome but tiring...went up the Empire State building and saw Ground Zero, as well as shopping around Times Square. We also squished 7 people into 2 double beds...hmmmm
Anyways, I hope you're all doing well, sorry I haven't replied to emails, the internet keeps breaking here and there's literally 2 computers for 200 staff members. boo!
I'll try to write again soon! Miss you all soooo much
see you bye.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Lights will guide you home...

I like it here. Quite honestly, I do. I'm in the middle of nowhere, 20 hours from home, small American children running around all day and night, but despite the surreal nature of my life at the moment, I really am glad to be here and I've met some incredible people in the week that I've been here so far. It's challenging both mentally, emotionally and physically but I'm also learning and growing a lot more than I probably would have if I'd stayed at IGC. (and there's WAY more cute boys here!)

I don't have time to write anything lengthy, but I do want to say THANK YOU. To all of you. The amount of support I've received during this difficult time has been nothing short of incredible. Unfortunately it's impossible to find the time to reply to you individually, but believe me when I say I have read every word of every email/message and I do believe that I have the greatest friends in the world. Please keep emailing me and letting me know what's going on in your lives too...being in the camp bubble literally means I have no clue what is happening in the real world. Oooh, and send me mail, I love mail!

P.O. Box 548
65 Kenmont Road
Kent, CT 06757

Having this many kids around 24/7 means you have to keep a sense of humour, or else you go insane! And I'm getting it back I think...even to the point that I can quote Zoolander;

"What do we do when we fall off the horse, Derek?"
"I'm not a gymnast, Maury..."

see you bye.