Saturday, March 24, 2007

Little Mr Sunshine

NuDok's photo of the week

Billy Zane: When you gonna drop Magnum on us, buddy?
Derek Zoolander: Not yet. You gotta tame the beast before you let it out of its cage.

Bryan is back from his year in Japan, yay!
Also, Andrew (Theo) and Joel are in M-town for a few days.

The Andrews

Bryan, Joel, me

Everyone at Koko Black

My boyfriend and I are still going many photos of his hotness

Baby looking cute...just moments before taking a massive dump (while sitting on my lap!)...

...the overflow onto the outfit...

Joel's (actual) reaction to the sight of the explosion

Bryan, Baby looking very content after his release, Yvette, Joel

Sydney for Colour - Hillsong Ladies' Conference

1. On the plane 2. Waiting for the rental car

Team shot

1, 3, 5. Cool stuff inside the packed arena
2. Ridiculously expensive Coca-Cola, but oh so worth it!
4. Jen being interviewed by the scary (wo)man

The food apartment/car

Farewell Fi pizza @ Lucky Coq

Sarah (Dr. Camembert), Fi, me

Joel pimpin' it up with Adele and Ed

The chicken face (which looks a little more duck-billed platypus at times)

Labour Day Eve BBQ @ The House of Ed
Sausages, Bourbon & Coke bread soaking, Articulate, Pavlova two ways, good friends; heaven.

1. Adele, Fi
2. Sear, Soph
3. Al, Ed

1. Bels, Nuhn, Jay
2. Andy, me
3. Adele, Bel, Pegs

Joel was there, I promise! The camera ran out of battery....


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