Friday, March 09, 2007

Since my last post, a whole bunch of cool people have re-entered this great country. This includes Adele - back from The Netherlands, Annabelle - back from France, Jay - back from...the various countries he was in, and Andrew (& Yvette) back from Singapore.
This last fact is important because Andrew bought a new digital camera, and thus launched a new era of my undercover Japanese tourist stint.

Here's a small selection.

Lunch with Steph and Kate
"The MEAT of the conversation...!"

Dinner with the fam after Andrew & Yvette's return

Yum Cha

Bella eats jelly

Golden Draaaaaagon

Southbank/City for Fi's birthday

Blue Train

Toilet Exit Surprise

Adele / Ed / Fi

The dappled lighting shot

Look at the cool thing I can do with the camera! new boyfriend

In completely unrelated news, I highly recommend the new Australian mockumentary Razzle Dazzle. It might sound ridiculous, but Australian cinema really thrives on taking the mickey out of its own culture. It's all in good fun and made very well...I'd suggest not waiting til it comes out on DVD because - in addition Australian film needing all the support it can get - there's nothing quite like laughing out loud with a group of total strangers.

"If I had guidance from a visionary like Mr Jonathon, I could've been a Spice Girl..."
-Tenille's mum


At 4:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Those two children, Bella & Nathanial, are the most beautiful things I've ever seeeeeeeeeen!!!!


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