Monday, June 26, 2006

I've contemplating heavily whether or not I should make public the latest crisis in my life. And I decided that yes, I will, simply because it will make everything easier to explain in the future. And it's incredibly painful but it's something I need to get out there and deal with in its entirety so that I can move on.
I got fired. Yep, there it is. In black and white.
The long story short is basically that on Saturday morning, after most the first week campers had gone home and we were all gearing up for what was going to be an awesome day off, Travis (the head counselor) and Sharon (the horrible photography woman - with a disgusting smug look on her face the whole time) took me aside and basically said they thought my work was crap and there was no room for me in the photo lab any longer. And that was that. They hadn't gone through my work with me and told me that I wasn't doing what they wanted, they weren't going to give me a second chance, I was just...out. The only way I could stay at International Gymnastics Camp (IGC) would be if I were to take the night gate watch duty, which means sitting at the gate from 11pm - 8am. Of course I thought about this for a while and I figured that I would go insane doing that job and would probably end up resenting the place.
I was actually really fortunate in that a placement for me at another camp was found within an hour or so of me getting fired, so that's where I am now. At Kenwood Kenmont camp in Kent, Connecticut. I had to pack up my stuff within 45 minutes (only getting to say tearful goodbyes to a handful of people) and catch a bus to New York then a subway then drag all my stuff through Grand Central station to find a train to get to Connecticut and a connecting bus to Harlem-Valley Wingdale where the new camp people picked me up. I cried on and off for about 5 hours after being fired and during my commute to the new camp.
When I first started this blog it wasn't meant to be about baring my soul and being all emo, but this is a special situation. This has quite likely been one of the most horrible and difficult experiences I've ever gone through in my life. I was at IGC for 2 full weeks and I'd gotten used to and comfortable with everything there, I'd made some amazing friends, truthfully appreciated the privaledges of being at that camp at the time I was there, and I honestly thought that if I followed the rules and put all my effort into my job that I would have an incredible summer. Apparently hard work and obedience is not enough for some people.
I'm a general counselor with 10 year old girls, and the campers arrive here in 2 days. Don't get me wrong, this new camp that I'm at is cool, and I'm grateful to be here...I've met some awesome people, the senior staff do seem to treat the regular staff much better than IGC does and I do believe that time will eventually heal, but I guess I just ask that if you are reading this or hear about this from someone else, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, because I really need them right now.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Keepin it real for Box Hill

It's a strange feeling, having been in America for just under 2 weeks but feeling like I've been here for AGES. Not to say that means I'm not enjoying myself here, but being constantly around the same place and people almost makes time stand still. I have absolutely no sense of what day it is anymore just goes by what night time activity is occuring.
If I don't cross paths with someone for a day it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever. It's a bizarre, but I really have made some rad friends since I've been here....but it doesn't make me miss home and you guys any less. I had my first real wave of homesickness 2 days ago, and boy, it hit hard. What sucked even more was that I couldn't even disappear somewhere and go have a cry about it cos there's just people EVERYWHERE.
There's not a whole heap to report, because it would take a long time to explain what happens every day, and camp is not what you expect it to be. Well, it's not what I expected it to be anyway. Um, the food here has gotten pretty old pretty quickly....I'm completely dying from the lack of Asian food, but I guess I'll have to hold on for another 10 weeks; aiyo!!! On the work side of things, I'm now mostly doing video work rather than photography...long story short, I have a crappy supervisor whose criticism is rarely constructive and who refuses to offer any real advice or training. When she 'moved' me to video, I completely gunned filming and editing a short piece to 'prove' myself...basically I kicked butt. W00t!!!
Ok, well, for my finishing I request that you send me mail. As in, SNAIL MAIL! I know, it's lame, but it's really exciting when it comes, and makes me feel like the cool kid on the block (oh, come on, let me dream, let me dream!) So here is my address until August 26. Do it!
9020 Bartonsville Woods Road
Stroudsburg, PA
Hope you're all doing well in the various parts of the world you are in; things on this side are not too shabby!
see you bye.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Yo dawwwwgggg.....

I made it to camp and have been here for 2 days so's a surreal experience; at the moment there aren't any kids here, but almost 200 staff members doing pre-camp training and bonding and stuff. A lot of them are Australian, but there's also people from all around the world (there's stacks of Americans of course) It's been all really weird, and things have been happening so fast that I've barely had time to take anything in, although I have managed to get really really SICK! My nose was so blocked last night I had to sleep sitting up. Yeah, awesome. But apart from that, everything's been pretty cool, people are really friendly, and the camp itself is just beautiful.
Prior to camp, I left Melbourne Friday morning and arrived in LA Friday morning (!). We went from the airport to the hotel, where we did orientation and stuff. I met a girl called Maddison, who, scarily has EXACTLY the same sense of humour as me, and we spent a lot of time quoting stupid movies and laughing.
Saturday was one of the greatest days ever cos I got to spend it with Simone!!! (yes, people, be very jealous). We cruised around LA -which I found out has more cars than Australia has people - did Santa Monica (i saw my first squirrel), Hollywood (where there are HEAPS of freaks) and various places around LA and then ended up kickin it at her awesome pad. The day went so quickly, and before I knew it I had to get on a plane and fly to Newark, NJ to get to camp. We caught the bus from the New York port authority and I got my first glimpse of a crazy New York street...yellow cabs EVERYWHERE!
Anyways, I've got a time limit on the computer and I have another activity to get to so I better scoot. I don't know if I'll be able to post up photos but I'll give it a go. Hope you're all awesome!!
see you bye.
P.S. I met a girl from California who actually says "gnarly" in normal conversation!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The world's greatest friends

The good thing about having lots of friends and leaving the country is you get lots of hugs. The only bad thing is that you have to say goodbye that many times. It's a very bizarre feeling; being so excited to see people and catch up with them, yet knowing that this will be the last time for at least 5 months, sometimes more, sometimes indefinitely.
so THANK YOU...from the deepest parts of my soul to EVERYONE that made the effort to come out to my drinks last night; I'm really sorry I didn't get to talk to all of you in depth, but to even get to see you was an incredible blessing. Thank you also to those that couldn't make it, but that called, messaged, emailed me to say goodbye and good luck.

Wow, this is really soppy and I sound like I'm winning an award...maybe The Collection should give me something for bringing in that much business on a Wednesday night!
Catch ya on the flipside, homies!!!

see you bye.

Monday, June 05, 2006

You can take your job....and re-staff it!

Only four days until I leave and somehow I keep discovering things that make me want to stay. (Like sexy mesh boy-leg undies, perhaps?!) I made it a point to bring my camera to stuff these past few days, so here is some of what I've been up to recently.

Jen and all her randomness....and the amazing Napoleon Dynamite singlet she made for me;
Reasons to Believe #4: Killer Dance Moves

Thank you, gorgeous, I love it! And this is for you;
"Last week Japanese scientists explaced...placed detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally."

"Family Guy" mini marathon with Scott

Scott I'm sorry, I know you didn't want me to post this photo, but let's just say I'm using my artistic license haha! "What the deuce?"

Wendy & Kaan's wedding

The happy couple

Good friends and family

Turkish belly dancers shakin' it

Much wine was consumed...a lot of cake eaten. It set a precedent for Sunday, where after my last *sob* Fungus meeting, I ate way too much of Peter's birthday cake, which was followed by:

Joel's 30th

Kim-chi, cluedo and fondue :)
(and more cake)

Drinks with the gals at Workshop

Rodney (the random)'s fingers and head in our photos! I got a spiel from Rob, the random greenie/tripper about how alcohol lowers inhibitions, but LSD changes your perspective on stuff, man. Yeah....ok.

I had my last shift at Nando's today. And all I can say is,

see you bye.

P.S. Sorry the font is all weird; I can't be bothered trying to figure out how to fix it.