Thursday, February 08, 2007

OK, computer

I've been slack...a whole month without an entry? Apologies.
Usually it would be because I have nothing interesting to write. (Ok, maybe I don't. Interesting is subjective.) But here goes the most brief summary of a month I can muster.

Coffee/lunch/dinner with dozens of people, dozens of times. Work. Party times in the city and St.Kilda with my camp girls and school girls respectively. Emma's baby shower. Two surprise parties - one birthday, one farewell. Filming 'Fungus Kung Fu' at Studley Park and Melbourne Uni. Video editing. Australian Open tennis. A BBQ. A friend's EP launch. The movies. Having a MASSIVE Australia Day eve at Bootleg. An awesome weekend in Phillip Island. Organising and being in charge of the new video team. Visiting Emma, Wudok and their newborn son, Nathaniel. A lot of ridiculous laughter.

Well, I guess that pretty much sums it up. Seems like a lot and nothing at the same time.

I finally remembered to bring my camera with me the last couple of days, so I'll let them...or, their captions speak for themselves.

Lunch with the cutest baby ever, Eli, and his gorgeous mum Chez

Janice's surprise farewell
The girls squat (!) in the bush, awaiting Janice's arrival

Covert operations...

...formally covert.

Four chicks...

...three stooges.

Germaine & I...and Tim the lurker.

Myself and the Main Event in normal mode

Our classic pose.

Sid (Prof. HSL), Will (Uncle-ah!), Me (2nd gear), Jon (Green Hamsom), Tim (Mr Linear Line).
The all new Feng Shui Gang!!!


At 2:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO FS five!!!


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