Monday, May 29, 2006

I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany...

In my previous entries I attempted to be witty by having the titles relate to the entry - obscure, but apparent nonetheless. I have now, however, run out of brain power to do so, and so the titles will simply be things I find amusing. In case you were wondering, the above quote is from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

I unfortunately don't have a lot to write about this week because I spent much of last week at home (trying to save money) and in immense pain (because the wound from my wisdom tooth extraction got infected...ewww!). But I did manage to get out a bit, but without a camera, unfortunately.
Tuesday: I went to see "Crazy for You", the musical Jasen was in (who was awesome). Cherie set Carrie, Chris and I the challenge of trying to pick the only straight guy of the 10 dancing cowboys/chorus line. And we were all wrong. In all fairness, the straight one seemed VERY gay when performing; I decided he was over-compensating in order to fit in haha! Still, my gaydar is faulty.
Thursday: I got my first taste of the US consulate general in St Kilda. I had to go there for stuff to do with my US visa. I heard a guy talking about a "ham and cheese sandwich", and in addition to making me feel hungry, I realised that it will probably be pretty easy to spot the Aussies in America once they open their mouths and complete ocker accents present themselves. "Throw another shrimp on the barbie mate!"
Friday: After battling the minimum charge at SukaRamai (Sid took one for Team Manda and had 2 dishes - thanks mate!), the crazy Flow kids kicked on to a dessert place in Box Hill, that I initially heard described as CRAPOLA. "That's not a very good name for a business", I thought. But no, the 'crap' part of the name was actually 'crepe', and crepes we did eat. Well, to be honest I had pancakes and other people had waffles and milkshakes. Oh well, close enough.
Saturday: Yet another long day at work, and then a big night out on the town for Pegs' farewell drinks at Bambu. After sitting around and being civilised for a few hours, we hit the dancefloor at what is now my favourite bar in Melbourne - The Purple Emerald. Let me just say, with free entry, a live band and a good crowd, Icon Bar can take it's $10 cover charge, dodgy music and trashbag teeny boppers and get stuffed! Interestingly enough, a dance-off occurred and a car got locked in a carpark, but it was a great night.
Sunday: A day of good food. I had lunch on Bridge Rd with Emma & Wudok, where I had a foccacia with turkey AND bacon. Double meat never fails to satisfy... :P
And in the night, an extremely awesome injection of Mexican food with Lucy in Parkdale, where I also got to check out her new digs...very cool!

It's only a week and half until I leave on my big adventure...I'm freaking out! Packing begins in the next couple of days, and I think that's when it will REALLY hit me.
I feel like this page will be boring without pictures, but I don't really have any except one that Bella took of us on Saturday night, so you'll have to put up with looking at my mug....again.
See you bye.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I glued my head to my shoulder...

Last week was an extremely good week for me.
The week just past, however, decidedly...less...good.
Um, yeah. Ok, reasons;
1. In the last 10 days I've HAD to spend over $1000.
A lot of the mula went to the US consulate to pay for crappy visa issuance fees, as well as new tyres for my car, and $13 on stupid passport photos? it takes me almost an hour to earn that! damn you, kodak!!! Admitedly it's all stuff that I need in order to go on what is essentially a massive holiday, but hurts to see my bank balance like that...
2. I went to a recording of Comedy Inc. at Channel 9, and sadly, it's not very funny. I recommend old school episodes of Full Frontal any day.
3. I got my lower right wisdom tooth extracted on Friday...
and now I'm Diddy. aka P. Diddy aka Puff Daddy aka Puffy. (I have a swollen cheek...if you didn't get the joke.) I also can't chew so eating is no longer enjoyable (shock horror) and laughing/smiling hurts. It's actually a pity I'm not very 'emo' at the moment - though it may seem it from this post, but I promise I've generally been in a good mood lately. Or else I could just frown and brood in silence.

4. The goodbyes have started for me.
Wednesday night was Katie and Jo's goodbye shindig at Bimbo's. (Definitely go try a $4 pizza there!) Hunnies I hope you're having an incredible time over in Japan...Nuhna, I'll miss your infectious laughter over the next 6 months, but I'll see you soon!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm pretty sure there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking

I've spent the last few days catching up with some of the most awesome people ever. I also realised I have some really hot friends. This is not very helpful when I need a 'wingman', but gosh, darn, it makes my photos look rather nice.

Tuesday: Dinner with Krystin and Bec

Krystin took me cruising in her sexy new Jazz....aka Sherrin Snr.
Wednesday: Day Trip to Daylesford

Katie, Annabelle, Eddie & I indulged in some seriously good scones...
and also got a little batty during the car ride home.
Thursday: A mini vocal training session

May Yen, Emma, Anita & I spent more time laughing and attempting to breathe than we did singing...
Friday: Shopping in the city...unfortunately my Japanese tourist instinct was switched off that night.
Saturday: the big par-tay day.

Katie's 21st at the Melbourne Museum with fantastic food (meat!) ridiculous amounts of booze, lollies, cute waiters and my hot-ass MLCers
Next stop, Rissa's 21st, where the film nerds ran amuck with crazy dancing, posing and excessive photo taking...

The night ended with Ruth & I doing a 2:30am Maccas run, where she accused me of trying to pick up the guy at the drive-thru because I asked for sweet curry sauce with my nuggets. (Make of it what you will...)
Junk food at that stage of the night was McAwesome...until the grease settled and we had a meltdown

Sunday: A mad cap Fungus session, where I got unofficially adopted by the ultra cute Beatbouncr girls...

...and Jenny and I spent time posing like a certain someone that loves a certain someone... hahaha like it's not completely obvious anyway!

It was a good week.

I'm still getting used to blogging, and this post has taken me longer than expected.

Thanks for your comments, tags and emails, keep them coming!
See you bye.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Do you have a dorsal fin?

Well, no. But apparently now I have a blog.

I never thought it would happen, but I am now the ultimate cybernerd, recently having fallen victim to both blogging and myspace! Despite losing some serious street cred (uh, with myself) I figure it's an easy way to keep everybody back home in the know of my antics over the other side of the world.

"Where are you going?" you ask. Well, you probably didn't ask but let's be hypothetical for a moment. I leave Melbourne on June 9 for Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (On the eastern side of the United States, about 1.5 hours from New York) where I will work at the International Gymnastics Camp for 11 weeks as a camp photographer.
...AND THEN?!? (no and then! - wait, that's not true)
ok, actually, then I will spend roughly 2 months travelling around the US, Canada, Mexico and other parts of Central America. So here's to hoping I won't get any diseases or end up completely broke. But the latter is highly unlikely.

There's a possibility that I might have a goodbye event of some description, but it's all just rumblings for the moment. Watch this space for arrangements though, because I'd love to catch up with as many of you as possible. In the mean time, leave me a message, send me an email, text me, call me...say hello!

see you bye.