Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ya face...

Only two more weeks left at camp and then I step into the world of unknown travel and some serious monetary debt. Obviously I'm stoked to be so close to getting out into the real world, but I've also become so used to the lifestyle and people of camp. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out hehe!
I had a day off today, and a bunch of us went to Kent Falls, a beautiful waterfall/picnic ground just outside of the town of Kent, about 15 minutes from camp. We maxed, relaxed and took a lot of photos until returning to camp to do much of the same by the camp's lake. It was an awesome day and tomorrow will be spent at Lake Compounce, an amusement/waterpark. Yeah baby!!! Ok, I know it sounds like I'm not really working, but trust me, the amusement park thing is stressful, we have to watch the kids all day and make sure nothing happens to them. If we let them out of our sight we also lose our job. DRAINER!
The kids and general vibe of this session is so different to the first, everyone seems much more mellow. It could be due to the fact that the numbers second half have dropped dramatically. In my bunk alone I went from have 13 kids to just 9 this session. I think I'm quite enjoying camp at the moment, because in addition to it being the home stretch, I received a 'Shining Counselor' award a few days ago, so I guess I must be doing something right. Woo hoo!
I think I may be going to New York again in a few days, and I plan to shop shop shop. Yih!
I'll update again when I have something more interesting to write.
see you bye.


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